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"Art is our one true Global Language. It knows no nation. It favors no race. And it acknowledges no class. It speaks to our need to reveal, heal, and transform. It transcends our ordinary lives and lets us imagine what is possible." ~ Richard Kamler


I will always be in the midst of resurgence, revival, and recovery. I am a Recovering Alcoholic that also is in the relentless search for relief from Bipolar One Disorder and PTSD. Art therapy and writing are my main sources for recovery.  


I started a blog in 2014, called On The Rocks. The main reason I started this blog was to release my energy during my last manic break. But over time, it evolved into a way to tell my story so that not only I could heal, but also so others could relate to that healing, my mistakes, learn to laugh through the disasters and triumphs along the way, and to join in the fight against a dirty lil’ word called stigma.


I never considered myself a writer. And certainly not a poet, but I do in fact write quite a bit of poetry as I find that to be one of the best ways to express myself. I also write short stories as well, to make sense of my life and dreams.


Overtime, as ruts were inevitable and the words didn’t pour from my soul, I found myself creating a lot of artwork as a form of therapy. That is what you see here. My raw attempt at recovery through art. In the future, I hope to become a Transpersonal Art Therapist, blending spirituality, psychology, and creativity. My fight for personal freedom and self expression means more to me than any amount of criticism, stigma, or judgement ever could. And I fully intend to fight for those rights for others as well. Those that have not developed their own voice, lost their voice, or have been stunted by trauma, stigma, and/or mental health issues and addiction. 


I graduated with a degree in Graphic and Web Design with a Minor in Psychology. I also studied Art Therapy on my own for two years. I worked in the creative field for over ten years, my last position being an Associate Creative Manager. I have a therapist that I work with who is a shamanic practitioner and specializes in reiki and transpersonal care, I have a psychiatrist, and I have been in and out of the mental health system for about 5 years now. I trust that all my experiences have led me to my future path.


Find your way. Resurge. Revive. Recover.



Thanks for visiting!

Liz Levine




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